We are absolutely confident, that following the driving laws is important both for you and other people’s safety… That’s why, regardless of which exact driving rules infraction you’ve commited, we’re dedicated to eliminate those points from your record!
These are people who will be guiding you through the important process of refreshing your knowledge of the driving laws, ensuring that no infractions that had previously occurred will ever happen again!
Mr. Rowe was appointed by the Board of Directors in 2006 to serve as our school’s Executive Director. His role is to keep up the balanced working relationship.
Martin Mollan has been an instructor and trainer at Broward Dade Safety Council for the past 15 years. He became a part of our team with a diverse…
Mary has been working in our traffic school for many years, helping hundreds of drivers to renew their traffic skills knowledge… Before that she’s been.
Lyndsey Warren currently serves as a Board of Directors member for United Way of Broward County Commission on Substance Abuse where she is…
As a traffic school, we are responsible for keeping your driving rule knowledge fresh and practically-used!
All traffic schools or defensive driving courses, including ours, are approved and licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). They are available to you if you’ve received a moving traffic violation or want to earn a discount on your car insurance.
If you’ve received a traffic ticket, your California county traffic court may allow you to complete traffic school to dismiss the citation and avoid having points added to your driving record.
The classes are designed for four (4), eight (8), or 12 hours depending on which course you need. If you choose the online class, they are designed to take the same equivalent time as a traditional in-class traffic school but you work at your own pace and from any computer connected to the internet.
There is no maximum time to finish an online course; only your court due date determines when you are required to finish
Just recently we’ve introduced an online option to pass our Traffic School exams.
No special downloads are required. Our Online courses will operate on standard PCs or Macs that are connected to the Internet. A PC or Mac Running:
Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2K/XP/Vista or later MacOS 9.x/OSX — (Safari will not work) Linux 2.2+
Internet Browser (Your browser MUST support and have JavaScript, Cookies, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) enabled. Most PCs are pre-set for this configuration.)
Everyone knows, that in order to pass a driving license exam you’ll need to put in a...
If you ever thought that American DUI laws are strict, then you have never been to France of Switzerland!...
When we're talking about minors aged 16 to 18, who are on their way to getting their driving licenses...
While I’ve had a lot of traffic tickets in my life, last summer I certainly went over my own limit of it… But after paying a visit to this traffic school’s educational courses I’ve had no problem, as my traffic rules knowledge had been fully refreshed!